
Here are some illustrations I completed for 
"Celesta's Magical Journey" by Gordon Allen.
I used water colour and guache on water colour paper.
The book is available for purchase at



Celesta and Kevin

Clarence teaching Class

Shark Attack

Celesta, Croft and Wakanda

Arriving at Santa's Village

Celesta and Croft

Island writer magazine 

Volume 9, issue 1, spring 2011

For a poem called "Homestead" by Jocelyn Tennant. 

B&W illustrations for "Pit Pony", by Joyce Barkhouse, Published by Formac Publishing Company, Halifax, NS
I used pen and ink on paper.

"From Sea to Sky" a collection of stories for children published by the Pacific Biological Station in Nanaimo, BC

For a short collection of Poetry:"Pink Shells"
Guache and ink on paper

my first illustration project :

"Adriana Gets a Real Little Baby", Written By Gaetanne Leduc.

 Cover -Adriana

Available for preview or purchase at

A couple of fashion inspired illustrations- 

Some character sketches for a project I was working on in Halifax
