
Live Painting and New Freyja Zazu Art Blog

Last night I painted at the Grand Opening Party in a new showroom location for Floform and Cambria in Victoria. Here are some pictures of the painting as it progressed over the evening.

Live painting is an interesting experience. I am naturally quite a fast painter so I think it suits me, but it also adds a very performative element to the act of painting. Having spent quite a lot of time working in various galleries I am used to talking to people about art and it was fun to do so while creating. The performance aspect reminded me of my time as  a hiphop dancer in eastern Canada.  I enjoyed this event very much and  I look forward to more live art opportunities.

I would like to announce that I HAVE A NEW ART BLOG!!  


what's wrong with this one?  nothing, but I decided that I need one that is JUST for art and have acted on that. Please drop by freyjazazuart and  follow me! I plan to keep it updated on a regular basis and fill it with interesting art, news, and activities.

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